Have you noticed that life often throws us curve balls? We do not get something we really want. Or…things pop up unexpectedly, something that we did not want at all. Life is like that!
We might not always understand why things happen, but one thing is for sure. We will make the connections and see the big picture… later.
As we move forward in life, we are heading into the unknown. Anything can happen. It is uncharted territory. But, when we trust, we have some “bouncebackability” – some resilience.
Looking back on my life, I notice that when I accept not getting what I want, I was consistently given something better down the road. When something unexpected happened and I embraced it, I learned something important about myself, others or life. When I sincerely forgave, magic happened because I felt an inner peace and joy that was indescribable.
I know that when I have trust and a long distance lens, life seems a little easier. I understand how things fit together.
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