Kindness is a wonderful experience. It is extraordinary that small acts of kindness can have significant effects. Kindness sends a powerful message: You are appreciated. You are valued. I notice. It creates connection and balance.
For the one who gives kindness, there is anticipation, happiness and the excitement of sharing. For the receiver of kindness, there is healing and transformation. When someone truly appreciates a kind action, the heart opens and it fills with hope and light.
Kindness benefits both the giver and receiver as good virtue is immediately created and exchanged. Kindness heals and allows forgiveness to flow. It opens the hearts and brings a sense of wellbeing for both.
Acts of kindness are an easy way to make an important difference in everyday life. If we live with kindness in our hearts, the world becomes a warm and gentle place.
Be kind to yourself and others today!
Excellent message. You have a great talent to communicate to the heart.