I recently experienced an extraordinary moment with my husband. I saw him with my heart.
A few nights ago, we had a disagreement. It was painful and disconnecting. Yet, when I stepped beyond my emotions and looked at my Beloved with my heart, my heart opened-up fully… Poof-Whoosh!
There was instant connection and our love began flowing freely. There was pure stillness, love and joy. All pain and disconnection melted away. Love, peace and harmony remained.
The pathway to seeing with my husband with my heart began with a sincere, deep apology and an equally sincere expression of unconditional forgiveness.… Then, suddenly, it happened. Poof Whoosh! I truly saw him… as part of my own heart!
This moment reminded me that we are all in this together. It was a reminder of who we truly are. We are one heart.
The whole experience was astonishing. It helped me understand that healing can happen in a heartbeat… in an instant… in a brief second in time. We just need to step beyond the emotions of the moment.
Wonderful experience, wonderful insights TYTYTY LYLYLY