I was out and about last week. It was a beautiful day. As I approached a street corner, I watched an older gentleman in a manual wheelchair struggle to push himself across a street – which had a series of very bumpy streetcar tracks. I could sense his struggle and empathize. I know how much energy it takes to push across those tracks. I could see the strain on his face. I immediately felt a sense of overwhelming compassion.
When he reached the sidewalk on the other side, he wore an expression of fatigue and relief.
I only had a brief second to connect with him, so I said, “You’ve got some serious muscles, there!” His face brightened and he smiled widely, “Thanks” was all he said.
It was a brief and meaningful encounter. It changed both of our perspectives instantly – from struggle to strength.
It leaves me with the question: How different can life become if we simply change our perspective?
Let me know what you think!
Wonderful story. Meaningful message. Really makes one think
Sending you all my love to you Master Carrie!!!