On my way to my work Friday morning, there was a huge construction pylon in the middle of the sidewalk that I could not get around. I tried to move it but it was too big and awkward. Before I knew it, an older man with deep lines etched on his face, came over and moved it for me. I noticed him out of the corner of my eye. He ran briskly across the parking lot in order to help. I sincerely thanked him. He smiled then we both continued with our day.
Not only did this Good Samaritan move a blockage from my path, he filled my heart with deep gratitude. For him, it might have been a small gesture, but for me it made an huge difference. His act of kindness touched my heart.
Sometimes people underestimate or even dismiss the impact they have.
There are many people in the world who do not understand their value. They are unaware of the impact they have on their families and communities. I believe everyone makes a difference. Trust me. All lives matter.
Yes, that ´s right ! Thank you so much for teaching us !